Mallory Lab - Acadia University
Beaubassin Field Station ...
Beaubassin Field Station (41.85 N, 64.28 W) is a facility jointly owned by Acadia
University, Ducks Unlimited Canada and Irving Oil. It rests just west of the Nova Scotia /
New Brunswick border, at the head of the Bay of Fundy, and in the Tantramar Marsh
complex. Fort Beausejoir, a National Historic Site, rests on the promontory overlooking
the low coastal marshlands of the field station, and Amherst, NS as well as Sackville, NB are
just a few minutes away in either direction. Furthermore, the station is in close proximity
to several National Wildlife Areas, as well as a myriad of Ducks Unlimited Canada
conservation and rehabilitation projects.
The field station proper has been renovated in largely traditional style, and is a charming
facility for meetings, but also has the capacity to house 8 people for extended periods, and
includes a laboratory. Two bathrooms, a full kitchen, and a laundry facility make it a sweet
place to work (particularly compared to my other field research sites!).
In the past, research here has focused on the salt marsh (accretion rates, carbon
sequestration, trace element deposition), but my program will begin larger ecological
studies on invertebrates and birds in the area.
Copyright 2011 Mark Mallory
33 Westwood Ave, Acadia University
Wolfville, NS B4P 2R6